Yasaman Moshiri Rad
About Me


Yasaman Moshiri Rad

• Born in 1981, Tehran - Iran
• Graduated in painting from Tehran School of Fine Arts.1998
• B.A. in Graphics from Islamic Azad University (Central Tehran Branch) 2004
• Official member of Iranian Graphic Designers Society (IGDS) from 2007

• Began as a professional graphic designer from 2004
• Participate in many distinguished graphic design projects and assistant of sevral famous graphic designers as: Mr. Masoud Sepehr, Mr. Majid Balouch, Mr. Bijan Jenab
• Full range of private design services execution, such as: Golbahar Sepahan Oil Factory, Isfahan Naz Oil Factory, Sam Gostar Factory, Tahvieh Gostar Co., Kaviz Coffee Co., ...
• Holding the private exhibition and participate in group exhibition in watercolour painting